keywords: Hotels, Hotel operators, hospitality industries and maintenance
The paper assessed the challenges faced by Hotel operators and Hotel owners in the maintenance of hospitality industries in Ado Ekiti. The study involved the use of a well-structured questionnaire to elicit information from respondents. Purposive sampling technique was used to select three (3) star Hotel as the sample for the study. Three (3) star Hotels are the ones that have at least some average facilities that can be maintained. In all the 3 star Hotels in Ado Ekiti, a total sample of 20 Hotels were selected for the study using convenient sampling technique which form 10% of the total population of the Hotels in the study area. The patrons who responded to the questionnaire were selected with the use of convenient sampling technique. A total of 6 management staff were selected from each of the 20 Hotels. However, the researcher was able to retrieve 116 out of 120 copies of questionnaire administered. The data collected were analysed using descriptive method of data analysis. The study revealed that: yearly budget allocation is a major problem facing Hotel operators and Hotel owners; accelerating change and emerging technology are global issues and challenges to Hotel management; majority of the three (3) star Hotels in Ado Ekiti do not experience any problem in executing their maintenance plans and energy efficiency in light of increasing electronic equipment, high volume of lights, chillers, air conditioners were the major global issue and challenges to Hotel management in Ado Ekiti........