keywords: Additives, chemical composition, maize stover, ruminants, silage quality
Maize stover (MS), an abundant crop residue is a potential feed for ruminants. The nutritive value is reduced when left on the field without processing and preservation due to further lignification. The ensiling of MS without additives for preservation has not been adequately documented. Therefore, effect of non-additives on silage quality characteristics and chemical composition of ensiled maize stover was investigated. Maize stover were ensiled for 30 days using different additives (Molasses, honey and sugar) at the rate of 50gkg-1 to obtain the following silages: Maize stover and Molasses (MSM), Maize stover and Honey (MSH), Maize stover and Sugar (MSS) and Maize stover only (Control) which served as treatments. The pH, moisture, colour, odour and texture silage characteristics were determined using standard procedures. Dry matter (DM), Crude protein (CP), ash, Crude fibre (CF), Ether extract (EE), Nitrogen free extract (NFE), Neutral detergent fibre, Acid detergent fibre, Acid detergent lignin, Hemicellulose and Cellulose of the ensiled MS were determined using standard techniques.